Metatarsalgia is pain and inflammation at the ball of the foot. The pain may increase with during weight-bearing activities such as standing, walking, and running.
Search Results for: bone
Easing Low Back Pain
Low back pain can come from a wide variety of places, including muscle strains and overuse, poor posture, poor sitting or sleeping surfaces, compensation for weakness or stiffness, spinal stenosis, arthritis, and disk degeneration or herniation. Oftentimes it’s some combination of all of the above.
The Truth About Turf Toe
One overlooked injury that tends to occur more often, especially with football players, is the injury known as turf toe.
Shoulder Instability and Dislocations
The shoulder is a joint designed for mobility, with more degrees of freedom than any other joint in the body. But excessive mobility can lead to shoulder instability, subluxation, or dislocation, with peak incidences of injury occurring in athletes in their 20s.
The Key to Preventing Shoulder Pain
Shoulder pain is an unfortunately common condition that brings patients of all ages to physical therapy. Athletes, new moms, industrial workers, retirees — all of these patients have landed in our clinics.
Explaining Hamstring Strains
To the average football fan, a muscle strain might not mean much so here’s a guide to what you should know about muscle strains for your own health and the health of your fantasy team.
From PT to Patient – Femoroacetabular Impingement
After recent hip surgery, I’m taking a turn on the patient side. Here’s why.
Understanding Jumping Mechanics
With Chicago summer upon us, jumping sports like beach volleyball, basketball and tennis are in full swing.
What You Should Know About Stress Fractures
Most studies of stress injuries state that a rapid change in a training program is the most significant factor that may lead to a stress fracture.
5 Upper Body Warm Up Exercises
These five exercises will take you through a proper upper body warm-up.