How To Do a Proper Hip Hinge Exercise

The simple task of bending over to pick something up can hurt your back if you perform the motion incorrectly. Learning a simple movement pattern called a hip hinge can prevent back pain.
Pain is your body’s way of telling you that something is wrong. Low back pain usually stems from the overuse of other muscle groups, specifically the hamstring, hip flexors, and QL (quadratus lumborum). These overused muscles pull the pelvis and lumbar spine into a position where the muscles that stabilize your hip and pelvis can no longer fire properly.
If you run, squat, jump, or walk (generally, if you use your legs) you should care about ankle mobility.
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Tight shoulders? Try these two muscle releases to increase your shoulder mobility.
This article demonstrates 6 easy yoga poses that you can do at home to fight the adverse effects of sitting.
This article provides helpful tips and easy exercises to prevent knee pain.