Posts By: Michele Schultz, PT, DPT

The squat movement is a huge part of your daily life: standing from a chair, getting something out of the bottom cabinet in your kitchen, or just playing with your kids. The perfect squat is a functional exercise that engages multiple muscle chains in one move. Basically, it's your full-body “bread and butter.”
The first and foremost way for athletes to develop their balance is through dynamic stretching, requiring full-body movement. It is more
Salad recipe
Lakeshore East‘s Michele Schultz, PT, DPT shares her recipe for Winter Beet and Pomegranate Salad + Balsamic Dressing! Give it a
Butternut Squash Soup
When she’s not helping her patients Michele Schultz, PT, DPT, Cert. DN can also be found in the kitchen!  Michele is
BeFunky-design (6)
Moms do heavy lifting and leaning every day. Because of this, it is important to perform moves and stretches that counteract
Running Youtube
If you have had trouble sleeping lately, here’s a surprisingly useful tip: Roll your shoulders back and sit up straight! Posture might
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