Posts By: Franco Calabrese

While surgery used to be the primary course of treatment, research suggests that surgery is no longer the only viable option. In fact, recent studies suggest that physical therapy and exercise can be very effective in treating low back pain.
Clinically, biceps tendonitis patients will be present with a rounded shoulder posture that will decrease the available space for the humeral head (upper arm bone) to move within the glenohumeral (shoulder) joint. This can create friction along the biceps tendon, which can be irritated by repetitive movements (throwing a baseball or performing an overhead press).
Iliotibial band syndrome is a common injury among runners, cyclists and other athletes that involves the outer portion of the knee joint. The IT band is a thickening of fascia that begins near the hip joint.
Chronic pain in its simplest definition is discomfort that persists for longer than 3 months. Chronic pain can refer to symptoms lasting longer than the normal projected healing time.
One overlooked injury that tends to occur more often, especially with football players, is the injury known as turf toe.
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The impact of sleep deprivation can have a huge significance on your health.
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