Low Back Pain and Pregnancy

During pregnancy significant changes occur that will have an effect on the body in many ways, often leading to complaints of lower back pain. With the average weight gain between 25-35 pounds, increased hormones, postural changes, sleep disruption, and increased amount of stress experienced by the woman’s body, there is no doubt that lower back would be a common complaint.  No worries, there are some quick tips to help relieve pain and some exercises to keep you strong throughout pregnancy!

Tips for relieving pain:

•Avoid static sitting or standing for long durations
•Sleeping on the side with a pillow between knees
•Continue with light-moderate physical activities such as walking, water exercise, light resistance training
•Practice good posture
•Practice good lifting techniques with reducing the amount of weight you are lifting
•Seek care from a skilled Physical Therapist to develop a personalized plan of care

Exercises for lower back pain:

•Kegel: (begin performing in laying then move to sitting and standing)
Pretend to tighten your vagina around a tampon or that you are sitting on a marble that you are trying to pick up
Hold this contraction for 3 seconds and relax for 3 seconds
Slowing build the amount of time you hold and relax for as well as a transition from laying to ultimately standing
•Adductor Squeeze Video Demonstration: (begin performing laying, once this is prohibited you can continue in sitting)
Place a ball or a rolled towel between your knees in hook lying
Using your inner thighs squeeze the towel and hold for 10 seconds perform this 10 times
•Abductor Squeeze Video Demonstration: (begin performing laying, once this is prohibited you can continue in sitting)
Place a band around your knees in hook lying
Press out against the band and hold the contraction for 10 seconds perform this 10 times
-Kaitlin Iversen, PT, DPT (Wilmette)